

    我要将你猎捕入怀    I will hunt you into my bosom.    连同身心一起    Together with the body and mind.    手指插入你指间    Put your fingers between your fingers.    我们还能否更亲密    Can we get any closer?    在帘席之下    Under the curtain.    你的身影    Your figure.    你的喘息被夜色掩埋    Your gasps are covered by the night.    你如此美好    You are so beautiful.    我想拥有你的一切    I want to have everything you have.    一切,一切    Everything. Everything.    哦亲爱的    Oh, honey.    我们将永沉    We will sink forever.    就这样相拥而眠吧    Let,s just hug each other to sleep.    溺于夜烬之前    Before drowning in the embers of the night..    你如同黑夜    You are like the night.    将我掩埋    Bury me.    我要将你猎捕入怀    I will hunt you into my bosom.    连同灵魂一起    With the soul.    靠近聆听你心跳    Come close and hear your heart beat.    我们还能否更亲密    Can we get any closer?    -->>
