

在床笫之间    Between the beds.    你的眼眸    Your eyes.    你的灵魂    Your soul.    被烈火焚烧    Be burned by fire.    你如此美好    You are so beautiful.    我想拥有你的一切    I want to have everything you have.    一切,一切    Everything. Everything.    哦亲爱的    oh, honey.    我们将永焚    We will burn forever.    就这样相吻沉沦吧    Kiss and sink like this.    烬于情火之中    Ember in the fire of love.    你如同烈火    You are like fire.    将我焚烧    Burn me.    我要将你猎捕入怀    I will hunt you into my bosom.    连同血液一起    Along with the blood.    舔舐你腥甜血液    Lick your sweet blood.    我们还能否更亲密    Can we get any closer?    在情海之上    On the Sea of Love.    你的肌肤    Your skin.    你的血液被烈酒浇灌    Your blood is watered with liquor.    你如此美好    You are so beautiful.    我想拥有你的一切    I want to have everything you have.    一切,一切    Everything. Everything.    哦亲爱的 -->>
