The river, which originates in the Tianshan Mountains, rushes down the steep slopes,carving its way through escarpments formed over millenia.” 傅洵的音调略显低沉,发音流畅而清晰,语速也刚刚好,可以称得上是一场完美的听觉盛宴。 忽然“哗啦”一声,向绥的资料散落在地,她赶忙拉开椅子,蹲下身收整纸张。 “The canyon is about 30 kilometers in length, with the valley floor being 3 to 4 hundred meters at its widest, while the narrowest part is only two or three meters.” 她钻进桌子下面的容腿空间。 “From...above,Anjihai Grand Canyon is rich in colors.” 流畅的嗓音突然顿了一下,随后继续发言。 一双柔软的手覆上他的裆口揉捏,尽显挑逗意味。 傅洵瞥了女孩一眼,眼神中带了淡淡地警告。 向绥才不会理他,撩拨了几下后,抓住校服裤腰用力向下扒,直到露出内裤。 她得意地笑着,迅疾拨开布料,半硬的生殖器从一侧跳出,还在微微颤动。 “On either side of...the canyon,red sandstone and -->>